miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Cathedral of Tui. The Inside. Part 4. Cathedral Museum. Chapel of Santa Catalina (I).

The Cathedral Museum is divided into three parts: the Chapel of Santa Catalina, the Cloister and the Chapter House.

The Chapel of Santa Catalina:

It is located beside the right aisle of the Cathedral. It is Gothic (14th century) but it was entirely transformed in the 17th and 18th centuries. The Cathedral Treasure is guarded in the Chapel of Santa Catalina.

The reliquary called Copón de Coco, the statue of the Virgin and Child “la Patrona”, the complete red three-piece suit (16th century), the silver amphorae of the Holy Oils, Processional Monstrance (1602), the statue of Saint Anne, Madonna and Child (1520), the Ship of San Telmo, Baroque altarpieces stand out among the valuable treasures that the Cathedral Museum contains.


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